In today's business world, whether it is capital raising, M&A transactions, forming of strategic business alliances or restructuring, independent third-party valuation services play a pivotal role in providing the true value of a business to market participants and other stakeholders.
Currently, a full-scale corporate valuation assessment requires a lot of resources and manpower. It usually takes about two weeks or more, depending on the complexity of the company's business nature. High barriers for valuation services have discouraged many SMEs from knowing their own business value. Hence, they are placed at disadvantage when it comes to financing and equity transactions negotiation, hindering their business growth and development.
Moore's ASAPVal Business Ratings, an artificial intelligence-based system, is an alternative option for companies to understand their business value in a quick and affordable way. Compared to traditional valuation services, ASAPVal Business Ratings helps companies to improve the efficiency and quality of their decision makings. After the client has provided us their latest 12-month financial information, we will be able to issue a valuation rating within 5 business days.
For more details, please contact our Transaction & Valuation Director Kenneth Ma.