

New tax concessions and deeming provisions on shipping business – Can you benefit from these concessions?

The Inland Revenue (Amendment) (Ship Leasing Tax Concessions) Ordinance 2020 (“Amendment Ordinance”) was gazetted on 19 June 2020 to provide tax concessions to qualifying ship lessors and qualifying ship leasing managers conducting business in Hong Kong.

COVID-19 – Valuation and Market Update (30 June)

The first half of 2020 has been full of unexpected events.  COVID-19 has already infected more than 13 million people worldwide, and social distance measures have brought global economic activities to a halt. Other events, such as the oil price crash and the new wave of secondary listing in Hong Kong, further made the market to be extremely volatile. Given the fluid nature of the pandemic, different stakeholders and practitioners in the business world are facing unprecedented challenges. Various regulators and industry organisations, including SFC, HKEX and IFRS Foundation hence published an amount of new guidance and technical notes, aiming to expand the regulatory focus amid economic uncertainties and market volatilities.

Cybersecurity preparedness in time of COVID-19

The unprecedented COVID-19 crisis has posed a huge change in many aspects, for instance, remote working has become a trend to reduce the spread of virus. This has provided insights for company’s management and board on cybersecurity preparedness. Regardless of company size, IT expenditure is unavoidable in order to maintain operations during the crisis. The related cybersecurity investment due to regulatory and compliance measures have since increased.  Most companies are caught off guard by the coronavirus. On one hand company’s computing resources are limited to support remote working, at the same time employees in general have not subscribed adequate firewall protection and antivirus packages to work remotely on their personal computers. With remote working becoming the new norm for companies worldwide amid the COVID-19 crisis, cybersecurity is even more crucial than before to support thousands of workers working from home accessing their companies’ networks.



COVID-19 – Tax impact on Employers and Employees

At this stage, it is still uncertain when the COVID-19 pandemic would come to an end.  Employers should review on the tax impact brought by different emergency workplace arrangements, such as workplace closure, mandatory self-quarantine, cancellation or postponement of international assignments.




如何解读投资项目的财务表现是投资者最关心的问题之一,也是困扰大部份投资者的难题。 投资者多数会选择从已审计的财务报表开始审视其过往表现,因为“已审计”一词表示相关财务数据经已得到核数师的核证,能给予投资者 信心保证。

Moore Hong Kong Special Work arrangement under threat of Novel Coronavirus

We are here to inform you that even though our office will be tentatively closed until 9 February 2020, to align with our Government’s recommendation, our strong and united teams are here to continue to deliver the same exceptional service and quality work to our clients. We will constantly review the situation and adopt the best arrangement to benefit our clients and of course, our staff.  Health and safety of the community remains our top priority.  


大华国际(香港)欣然宣布, 资深重组及复资专家詹华达﹑叶昌盛﹑吕秋越及其团队于2020年1月1日加入本所。大华国际(香港)的新重组及复资服务将以大华国际复资有限公司(下称 “大华复资”)营运。  

Present Values of Lease Payments under the New Standard: HKFRS 16 Leases

HKFRS 16 Leases has become effective since 1 January 2019 and replaced HKAS 17 Leases for lease accounting to specify the principles for recognition, measurement presentation and disclosure of leases. The new standard specifies that individual leases should be considered separately.


针对着特定的估值目的及用途,不尽相同的估值准则应运而生。当中《国际私募股权及风险投资估值指引》(以下简称为”IPEV”) 及《国际估值准则》(以下简称为”IVS”) 分别为私募股权投资和财务报告中最被广泛采用的两项国际估值准则。


After 15 years as Chairman of the leading international accountancy and consulting network, Moore Stephens International, now Moore Global, Richard Moore today announced his decision to step down at the end of 2019.  Andy Armanino will succeed Richard as Chairman of Moore Global from 1 January 2020. Andy is currently a member of Moore Global’s board and until 1 January 2019 was CEO and Managing Partner of Armanino LLP.