Moore Hong Kong Special Work arrangement under threat of Novel Coronavirus

Moore Hong Kong Special Work arrangement under threat of Novel Coronavirus

Dear clients and contacts,

Helping you thrive in a changing world

You are all aware of the challenges we are currently facing with the Novel Coronavirus.

We are here to inform you that even though our office will be tentatively closed until 9 February 2020, to align with our Government’s recommendation, our strong and united teams are here to continue to deliver the same exceptional service and quality work to our clients. We will constantly review the situation and adopt the best arrangement to benefit our clients and of course, our staff.  Health and safety of the community remains our top priority.  

In the meantime, our special work arrangements are as follows:

Work from home
In line with the announcements from the HKSAR Government, we strongly advise our staff to work remotely from home if possible.

Virtual and remote communication
In order to maintain effective communication, we encourage all meetings to be conducted through video conferencing technology on mobile or computers via various available means.

Trips to mainland China
We have asked our staff to refrain from travelling to Mainland China for business or personal purposes. Any urgent trips to Mainland must have prior approval from Engagement Director and such travels must be reported to Human Resources for record purpose.

Upon return from Mainland, the staff must report to their team leaders and Human Resources, respectively.
Despite the challenges under present circumstances, all of us at Moore Hong Kong stand united with determination to overcome these extraordinary difficulties. 
We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for your understanding for all inconvenience caused.
Finally, we would like to express our sincere wishes to you and your family to remain in good health.
Best wishes,
From all of us at Moore Hong Kong